President’s Message, October 2020

Dear Friends, Neighbors and Fellow POENB Members,

As 2020 is in its final quarter and we can all see the finish line in the distance, the cur- rent board would like to take this time to reach out to all POENB members. Many folks stop me and ask about getting more involved. This is where you can step in and have a direct im- pact in shaping your community. “It takes a village”, is a phrase often said to depict any event that requires many folks coming together to tackle a big task.

This couldn’t be truer than caring for our POENB beaches and property. All the demands often fall on just a few as current and past officers can attest. While we are so grate- ful to our volunteers, they too are often the same faces showing up time and again. Friend- ships, laughter and the common feelings of directly caring for the environment we live in has brought so many of us together.

Many of the existing board members are ready to move on at the end of this year and would like to pass their batons to new volunteers. This is a call to action for our community to get more involved, not just for new board members, but also for new volunteers to come out when events require extra hands. Our POENB exists because of our neighbors who have agreed to take on these jobs and commit to them fully. I am grateful to all those who came before me and who have worked alongside me. Please reach out to us should any position interest you. We appreciate all of you!

Please remember to wear a mask, socially distance and wash your hands. Covid-19 is still very much a risk and we all are responsible for caring for one another.


Frank Bonomo, President