Property/Beach Rules


Updated June 2021

The purpose of our rules is to protect the rights of our association families, community interests and to
maintain and protect the POENB beach properties which include Price’s Bend and Valley Grove. POENB
membership begins on March 31st of each year and remains active for one calendar year. Eligible residents
may join at any time throughout the year. Membership entitles the member(s) and their immediate family to
enjoy the privileges associated with POENB membership listed below. Questions regarding these rules
should be addressed to the POENB Board members at

1. POENB membership entitles members to:

  • Access the two POENB Association properties – Prices Bend and Valley Grove Beach (see Property Usage Rules below).
  • participate in monthly membership meetings.
  • attend POENB sanctioned events.
  • request usage for approved private beach parties (see Beach Party Rules below).
  • request storage of approved watercraft (see Watercraft Rules below).
  • receive the Changing Tides newsletter.
  • advocacy and collaboration on community interests deemed appropriate and relevant to the association at the discretion of the POENB Board.

2. Property Usage Rules

  • Only members in good standing (and immediate family) may use the POENB properties. 
  • Non-Member residents may NOT access the POENB properties (even if accompanied by an active paid member).
  • Properties are to be left pristine after use. 
  • Beach hours are 8:30 to 8:30 from Memorial Day to Labor Day and 8:30 to 7:30 at other times of year. For beach party hours, see Beach Party Rules.
  • Beach users are expected to behave in a manner so as not to cause disruption to other persons enjoying our properties or in neighboring homes. 
  • All garbage must be disposed of properly (in pails, dumpster or taken with you).  
  • Playground equipment must be used in its intended way. 
  • Cooking may be done on the grills located at Price’s Bend or on user supplied portable grills.  Coals MUST be extinguished before departure.
  •  Ashes MUST be left in the grill and CANNOT be dumped on POENB property or disposed of in the dumpster.
  • Umbrellas for the picnic tables may be signed out by contacting with 72 hour’s notice whenever possible. 
  • During the summer season (Memorial Day to Labor Day), fishing, clamming or digging for bait is not permitted in the roped area. 
  • No lifeguards or CPR certified staff are stationed at either beach therefore swimming is prohibited at both Price’s Bend and Valley Grove Beaches. 
  • Cars with valid parking passes may park in designated areas at Price’s Bend. Violators will be towed at their expense. Please display the POENB hang tag at all times.
  • No motorized vehicles of any kind are allowed on the beaches, unless approved by the Board. 
  • Animals are not allowed on POENB beaches, leashed or unleashed. 
  • Use of Illegal substances, intoxication or illegal behavior is not permitted on POENB property. 
  • Fires of any kind are strictly prohibited anywhere on POENB properties. Board-approved sanctioned events that include the usage of fire will be reviewed and approved at the discretion of the POENB Board in accordance with town code requirements as follows: 

NOTE 1: In accordance with Town of Huntington Code (see Town Code chapter 111 section 317), a permit is required for Bonfires. First you must contact the Eaton’s Neck Fire Department and request approval from the chief two weeks prior to your event by emailing If your bonfire request is approved by the chief, you must call the town of Huntington Fire Marshal’s office at (631) 351-3138 to report it. Per code, if wind conditions create smoke nuisance to neighboring properties or fire hazard, Bonfires must be extinguished. Fires must never be left unattended by an adult and must be fully extinguished before leaving the area. 

  • Boats moored near either beach must be more than 200 ft from the high watermark. Boats entering or leaving the mooring area should not exceed 5 mph.  
  • All groups/parties/events of any kind must be approved and follow the guidelines set forth in the Beach Party Rules (see below). 
  • All watercraft must be registered, approved & stored according to the Watercraft Rules (below). 
  • Camping on POENB properties is prohibited except on designated camp out nights determined by the Board. 
  • Under no circumstances are commercial activities permitted on Association Beaches/Property including non-POENB fundraising. 

POENB members have the right to address an individual(s) deemed to be in violation of our rules or report a concern.  Please be polite and use your judgement when addressing anyone(s); you may instead opt to:

  • Call Suffolk Police at  9-1-1 for an immediate public safety concern and follow up with an email to to detail the incident.  
  • Email the information/concern to for POENB Board follow-up. 

3. Beach Party Rules:

  • Reservations and prior approval are required for parties over 15 persons.
  • Reservation requests may be made after April 1 by those who are up to date on their membership.
  • Reservations may only fall within our beach season, Memorial Day through Oct 1.
  • Members hosting a party requiring approval must sign the “Beach Party Reservation and Agreement Form” and pay the required fees.
  • Members and their guests must abide by all POENB rules in addition to the rules outlined in the reservation agreement. For full beach party rules visit
  • No one (other than POENB) may impose charges of any kind to use a POENB beach or attend a party or other event there.
  • Under no circumstances are commercial activities permitted on Association Beaches/Property including non-POENB fundraising.

Lessons and/or instructional programming or meetings are strictly prohibited at all POENB
properties. This prohibition is absolute and is meant to be understood in the broadest possible sense, and
POENB expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility to the extent that this prohibition is violated. To
the extent that any such prohibited activities take place, POENB reserves the right to take appropriate
action against any non-member third parties and/or members involved, including but not limited to the
assertion of rights of indemnification and recovery of damages, fees and expenses, including legal fees.

4. Watercraft Rules: 

  • As a benefit, POENB member households may request storage of (1) approved watercraft type (currently a kayak, paddleboard or standard sized dinghy) on their membership form.
  • Watercraft storage at a POENB beach is a benefit not a right. The primary storage place of all watercraft is understood to be the owner’s own property.
  • Stored watercraft must be the property of the POENB member. Members may not store watercraft for non POENB members or for extended family members or friends who do not live here.
  • POENB’s current system re-assigns watercraft spots in even years so as to not have to re-issue spot locations every year. As such, if you request a spot in an even year you will keep that spot for (2) years (assuming you maintain your membership). If you request a spot in an odd year, it will be for one year. The system is designed to re-shuffle spots fairly and discourage squatting. 
  • Any member who has not paid their membership by May runs the risk of their watercraft spot being reassigned and their craft being removed to the parking lot.
  • If you do not need a spot, please don’t request one as spaces are at a premium. Spaces can be requested annually. You will not lose the ability to get space by not using a space in a given year. 
  • If you are issued a spot, you must use it. If your spot is not filled by June 1, it may be re-assigned.
  • The association, its members and its board members are not responsible for the watercraft stored at association properties including lost, damaged or stolen property or property damaged from storms. Storage of watercraft of any type signifies the acceptance of this provision.
  • Watercraft storage is requested through the POENB membership application and reserved for current paid members. Spots are non-transferable and non-assignable except by POENB.
  • Spaces are assigned by the POENB board or watercraft chair and/or committee at their sole jurisdiction. Members CANNOT bypass the registration process and assume a spot.
  • Storage space is limited and is NOT guaranteed. 
  • All watercraft must be stored in the assigned space and may NOT occupy more than one space 
  • No space may be occupied by more than one watercraft. Stacking of craft will result in loss of spot. 
  • All watercraft must be easily identifiable with the member’s household name (name on file with the POENB) in an outward facing location. 
  • If POENB issues a sticker in a given year, owner agrees to display the sticker in a visible location. 
  • Unidentifiable craft, non-member craft, derelict craft, abandoned craft or craft in violation of the rules, will be removed to the parking lot and, eventually, discarded.
  • POENB reserves the right to cut any lock or locking device and remove any watercraft deemed in violation of POENB rules.
  • Trailers or motorized watercraft are NOT PERMITTED. Canoes must receive special permission. 
  • Watercraft stored on racks (kayaks, paddleboards, dinghies) must be removed by November 1st in ODD years to allow for property maintenance. If an even year, they may remain on racks.
  • Due to space limitations, kids’ kayaks are not considered POENB watercraft.  Parents are asked to transport these to/from the beach when visiting. Please do not leave these at the beach.
  • POENB’s desire is to be able to provide (1) watercraft spot to members who need one. Success in this is contingent upon early membership registration and respect for the rules. After an initial period of assignment any spots remaining (if available) may be opened up as secondary spots, likely by lottery. Notification of how to request a secondary spot will come from the board in a given year. No secondary spot will be granted without receipt of payment. Rates tbd by the board.

5. Watercraft Size & Type Rules: 

Watercraft considered part of the POENB storage system must conform to the sizes set forth below. POENB’s definition of what craft are included in the system may change yearly and is at the discretion of the board. 

Watercraft storage currently able to be requested as part of POENB allotment system 

  1. Kayak storage is currently located on the multi-level wooden racks at Price’s Bend & Valley Grove.
  2. Kayaks must be standard sized and shall not exceed 16 foot length x 3 feet width. Kayaks must be stored in an area designated for kayaks (youth kayaks cannot be stored on POENB property).
  1. Dinghy/Row Boat storage is located on the single-level metal racks located at Price’s Bend.
  2. Dinghy hulls shall not exceed 9.4 foot length x 4.5 feet width and must be stored in an area designated for dinghy/rowing vessels.  (these must be standard sized dinghy’s– 9.4 feet max)
  3. Any type of inflatable boat/launch within the size limitations above is considered a dinghy by POENB and will be stored in the dingy area. Anything larger must be stored at home and trailed. 
  1. POENB currently has no dedicated paddleboard racks. If you choose to store one at the beach it will be placed in a location at the discretion of the board, likely a kayak spot. To maximize space, an assigned paddleboard space may need to be shared with another member’s paddleboard. 
  2. Paddleboards shall be adult sized (no kids boards) and not exceed 12 foot length x 3 feet width.
  1. Canoe storage is currently located on the multi-level wooden racks at Price’s Bend and Valley Grove.
  2. Canoes hulls are to be standard sized and shall not exceed 16 foot length x 3 feet width x 14 inches high.  

**Due to the weight imposed on our rack system canoes are not a preferred watercraft and members are requested to bring their canoes down as needed, using a car rack. POENB reserves the right to limit canoes on a seasonal basis.

Watercraft storage not currently part of the POENB allotment systems.

Due to their larger profile, weight, inability to be stacked & need to be on a dolly for mobility, storage for these craft is on a limited basis, priced separately and available by lottery only to members. For pricing and lottery consideration, email

a_Pilot program for smaller sailboats (10 seasonal spots available by lottery)

  • A small 1 to 2-person sailboat (i.e. standard sized sunfish) used by one family takes up the same square footage of beach able to accommodate storage space that could serve several families.
  • Based on their larger profile, weight, inability to be stacked, most state, county and town municipalities do not provide sailboat storage. These craft are typically meant to be stored at home and trailed to the beach.
  • Recognizing however that we have sailors in our community, the POENB is instituting a pilot program that sets aside 10 spots for small sailboats on the west side of our property. These “sailboat slips” are posts set 6’ apart to accommodate a small boat on a pull cart with wheels.  All sail craft must be on a pull cart (dolly).

Small sailboat hulls must not exceed 14 foot length x 4.5 feet in width (excluding hand dolly). 

  • Small sailboats must have their masts removed when not in use.
  • These slips may be occupied from June 1 to Nov.  1, at which time all must be removed. No exceptions. 
  • Spots will be issued by lottery. To be considered please email info@eatonsneck .org.
  • This is a pilot program seeking to accommodate sailors who are willing to pay a surcharge for the convenience of not having to trail their boat. It may be rescinded at any time. 

Rates are set by the board seasonally. Please contact for seasonal rates. 

b_Pilot program for larger sailing vessels (5 seasonal spots available by lottery)  

  • A small catamaran (i.e. Hobie Cat) used by one family takes up the same square footage of beach able to accommodate storage space that could serve many families. 
  • Based on the area a catamaran takes up, its heavy weight, inability to be stacked, and overall visual profile which includes tall masts not easily removed, any owner or potential purchaser of a catamaran must understand that the correct storage place for this vessel type is their own home.
  • The POENB continues to evaluate its policy on small catamarans.  In the short run, striving to balance the visual beauty of the beach with some functionality for members, the POENB has decided to make (5) catamarans spaces available farther west down the beach. Due to the seagrass ecosystem, there will be no beach maintenance there.All catamarans must be kept on a pull cart (dolly) and be maintained.

Catamarans hulls must not exceed 17 foot length x 8 feet width (excluding hand dolly)

  •  These slips can be occupied from June 1 to Nov.  1, at which time all must be removed. No exceptions. 
  • Spots will be issued by lottery. To be considered please email info@eatonsneck .org.
  • This is a pilot program seeking to accommodate sailors who are willing to pay a surcharge for the convenience of not having to trail their boat. It may be rescinded at any time. 

Rates are set by the board seasonally. Please contact for seasonal rates.