President’s Message, January 2022

Dear Neighbors,
The moon is full, raging winds are making LI Sound look like the ocean and record high tides have pushed the water up to the street. It must be January on Eaton’s Neck I had planned on talking about the budget we just presented but, as you can see, Mother Nature doesn’t care about budgets. Winter storms like we had mid-month remind us who really runs things out here. See that river? Four months ago, it cost us nearly $3,000 to re-level the beach from similar damage.

We got lucky on this one, but as you review the budget please realize that the most important line item on it is the one that says “Membership.” The main purpose of POENB is to maintain our beaches. As the photo above illustrates, extreme weather events are now the norm not the exception. We cannot handle them without your member dues, which are tiny compared to other beach organizations. I’m tired of hearing people say – “well never use the beaches or go to POENB events”. If you live here you benefit from them.The beaches provide peace of mind, better property values and a connection with nature. I’m asking every person reading this now to do the right thing and join this Spring.

Your board has been hard at work trying to trim expenses and add back funding for some social events (fingers crossed), beach improvements and storage upgrades. Please assist us by removing your watercraft immediately–all were supposed to be removed by December 1. We plan to hold our February meeting/budget vote in person at the firehouse.

Please bring a mask and join us.

Ryan Cote, President