President’s Message, February & March 2022

Dear Friends of Eaton’s Neck,

There’s something nice to be said for getting a friendly wave — particularly after the last few
difficult years. Had you been looking off to the right recently, where Asharoken begins its slow
ascent up the hill into Eaton’s Neck, you might have spotted this neighbor welcoming you home.
It’s hard not to feel happier in March. Winter’s not quite gone, but you’ve got it on the run. The
sun hangs with you later into the afternoon. The seals come home to play.

Things feel optimistic. I know I do. Our new 2022 membership drive has just gotten underway, a
new board is working tirelessly on your behalf and lots of new (and old) residents have infused
The Neck with fresh enthusiasm. Things are looking up. I want to remind all that the primary
purpose of the POENB is to protect and preserve our beaches and the way we do that is through
membership dues. There are a host of other benefits, but the most important is simply caring
for the place you call home, so please join. If you’ve never done so before, do it this year.

If you join before March 31st you’ll receive the lower early bird rate. Also, new this year, we’re
prioritizing watercraft selection based on when forms come in, so please get yours in today. The
form is inside this issue, or you can conveniently join online at

I’m feeling good, are you? If not, I recommend getting out of the house, walking over to a neighbor and giving him or her a friendly wave of hello. We can learn a lot from our friends the seals.

Ryan Cote
POENB President