Dear Friends, Family, and Neighbors,
I want to express my continued gratitude for your involvement in preserving the beauty and integrity of Eaton’s Neck. Our collective efforts ensure that our beaches & community spaces remain a source of pride for all. You’ll find a list of upcoming events below.
Spring Beach Cleanup –Specific details coming soon and when available I encourage everyone to participate. Even one hour of your time makes a huge difference for all.
Membership Dues & Contributions – Please submit your 2025 membership dues now for the 3/31 early bird rate. Additional contributions you may choose to make will fund maintenance, security & community events.
Upcoming POENB Meetings –April 2nd is our next meeting and a great opportunity to discuss ongoing initiatives, voice concerns, and shape the direction of our association.
Easter Egg Hunt at Price’s Bend– Saturday, April 12th – This annual family favorite starts at noon sharp so get there early. Stay tuned, more details hopping by soon.
Beach & Property Maintenance – Current projects will upgrade the benches at Valley Grove and the grills at Price’s Bend. Let us know about areas you feel need of attention.
Advocacy for Asharoken Seawall Repairs – POENB continues to advocate for repairs to the Asharoken Seawall in coordination with the Village of Asharoken and other governmental agencies. This seawall plays a critical role in protecting the roadway access to Eaton’s Neck, and we remain committed to ensuring this issue stays a priority.
As always, our priority is to ensure that Eaton’s Neck remains a wonderful place for families to enjoy. If you have any concerns, ideas, or desire to get involved, please reach out.
Thomas J. Kehoe, Jr.
Property Owners of Eaton’s Neck Beach Association (POENB)