“In Early June the world of leaf and blades and flowers explode and every sunset is different.” -John Steinbeck
With the meteorological summer upon us, THE NECK has been exploding with new activity. We kicked off the season with two very successful beach cleanups and thank all who volunteered their time (a list can be found inside this issue. If we missed anyone, please let us know). Members, we appreciate YOU!
Lots of other new things have been happening too. We’re pleased to report that we have installed new security cameras down at Price’s Bend. We’ve also added wifi for member enjoyment (passwords in the minutes). Lastly we have new fencing installed at Prices Bend! Usable existing material was gathered and re-installed on the west side of the property and new fencing was installed from the port-a-potty to east. A very big shout out to all those involved in the planning, bidding, purchasing and installing. Our first social event of the season, “Parti Gras”, was a huge success! The perfect weather came made to order and a few new additions like face painting and the ice cream truck were a big hit with the children. Huge thanks to Heather Kennedy & Ryan Schaefer Walker who ran the show, plus all the volunteers who made it go.
The Fourth of July is right around the corner. Please come out and enjoy the best parade and the most fun you can have on our Nation’s Birthday.
Here’s another quote that resonated with me, “Everything good, everything magical happens between the months June and August”. – “#NECKLIFE” –
Frank Pasquale,
POENB President