Remember Highlights magazine? The one in the doctor’s office where you had to find the hidden pictures within the picture? In the picture above, what you “see” is a very successful Parti Gras—our first in several years.
You’ll spot over 300 Neckers celebrating, making friends & enjoying their beach. Now look closer. See that clean, white sand? That’s VP Frank Pasquale up raking at 7 am to make sure the place looked spotless. See the nice, new blue umbrellas? Those are the ones Nora Beck just purchased. See all the folks lined up for food? Hidden behind them are a corps of volunteer grillers and EN Firemen working to make the event a success. See all the watercraft lying around? No, because Yvonne Lambertson has organized our entire system.
See all the members? What you don’t see are the hundreds of membership forms Anthony Fusaro and Gene Caputo painstakingly processed over the past three months. See that big utility pole way in the back? Look closer to spot the brand-new electric box with 200-amp service Steve Neuf just had installed. Do you see Heather Kennedy or Ryan Schaefer-Walker in the photo? Nope, they were too busy organizing the event.
The takeaway is this—your POENB Board could not be working any harder for you. Each day they give tirelessly of their time and energy to serve Eaton’s Neck and make it run smoothly. Inside this issue we recognize the 238 households who have supported our efforts as members so far. If you are not on this list, I need to ask, why not?
It doesn’t matter if you never go to an event; it’s not about parties. Or that you never attend a board
meeting—they’re not that exciting. Being a POENB member is about protecting and preserving the beaches that make our home so special. If the community aspect doesn’t appeal to you, please do it for your property values.
There are no places like this on Long Island. You made a good choice, now support it. Invest in the place you call home by becoming a member today.
Thanks to everyone for your continued support.
Ryan Cote,
POENB President