President’s Message, August 2024

Dear Eaton’s Neck Friends, Family, and Neighbors

I hope this issue of the Changing Tides finds you all well. By now, you are likely aware of how fond I am of the summer season out here in our beloved Eaton’s Neck. Seeing our community come alive during the summer months is such an awesome sight to see. However, not to be outdone is the Fall season.

Whether it’s the beautiful foliage, the welcome cool breezes or the return of the sounds of the local kids at the bus stops in the early morning hours, the Fall months are equally quite the treat. Closing out the POENB summer events series will be our Movie Night at Price’s Bend on September 6th.

Our neighbor and friend Michael Cohen has volunteered to host this fun event that is sure to be a great time for all. Please check the POENB Facebook page and emails for further details.

Additionally, at our September POENB meeting we are pleased to be joined by Moses Cocura, Suffolk County’s Laboratory Director for the Division of Vector Control. Mr. Cocura will discuss Lyme Disease and its impact on Long Island. There will be time allotted for a question and answer period so please join us.

In closing, I wanted to share that we have a number of POENB Board members stepping off the Board at
the close of this year. It goes without saying how grateful we are for their service. To that end, we are
asking anyone who is interested in serving on the Board or on a committee to let us know. We welcome
anyone who has the time to pitch in.

With warm regards,
Thomas J. Kehoe, Jr.
President, Property Owners of Eaton’s Neck Beach Association