April presents her green traffic light and Eaton’s Neck hits the gas and says, “GO”! Spring is all about new beginnings and transformations; it’s a season that symbolizes starting fresh and starting over. After months of cold temperatures that can result in many of us feeling the winter blues, spring reawakens us and our surrounding environment, bringing everything back to the life. This time of the year is what life on The Neck is all about — # NECK LIFE.
Which bring me to another new beginning, a new beach season! Our first official POENB social event of the year, The POENB Easter Egg Hunt, was a huge success. We have many more events planned this summer, so please check our social calendar for dates and times. Several beach cleanup dates have been scheduled to bring our properties, facilities and beaches into prime condition. First will be the Prices Bend Clean Up on May 6, with a rain date of May 7. Valley Grove will follow on May 20th. Please come down and give back to your community whether it be for one hour or several. The beaches belong to all, so we really need everyone’s participation.
Also, the POENB membership drive is in full swing. As of April 20 we had 214 members… which puts us way ahead of last year’s pace. I continue to be excited about the amazing amount of new faces walking the streets of our community. We have many new families, couples and residents on Eaton’s Neck and I look forward to meeting you all in person and welcoming you to POENB events in the coming months. Like your POENB Board, which is made up entirely of volunteers, it takes a village! Our village only gets better with every new member. Please join today and be part of it.
Frank Pasquale,
POENB President