Meeting Minutes, Feb/Mar 2025

POENB Minutes

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

The meeting was held in person at the Eaton’s Neck Firehouse from 7:05 pm to 8:05 pm.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited followed by a roll call of officers.

Officer Roll Call

  • Tom Kehoe – President
  • Steve Neuf – Vice President
  • Sally Neal – Treasurer and Recording Secretary
  • Nancy Regan – Corresponding Secretary
  • Paul Dippolito – Assistant Vice President
  • Michael Ien Cohen – Assistant Vice President
  • Heather Warrington – Assistant Vice President


There were 3 members physically in attendance, not including six officers.

Tom Kehoe’s motion to accept last month’s minutes as published on the POENB Website was seconded.

Correspondence –Nancy Regan

  1. Watercraft Storage – The Board received several inquiries about dinghy storage.  Michael Ien Cohen, the Board member in charge of watercraft, will reply to members regarding their questions.
  • Bevin Seawall – John Ballow emailed the Board about some good news on the Bevin Seawall, the ~900-foot stretch of Asharoken Avenue between LI Sound and Northport Bay.   These updates were created by Mayor Greg Letica:
  1. Last week, the Village of Asharoken (VOA) added 40 five-ton stones to the Bevin Seawall to bolster the weakest section.  These stones were the result of a grant that NYS Assemblyman Keith Brown was able to obtain.  Former VOA resident Rob Bergold and LaMay Construction delivered and installed the rocks and the Village’s new Deputy Highway Superintendent, Ray Dantoni, oversaw the project. 
  2. The VOA received confirmation from NYS DHSES and FEMA that its Hazard Mitigation grant could be used to fund 90% of the cost of engineering, permitting, and other associated expenses for the reconstruction of the beach that is seaward of the Bevin Seawall. VOA will begin this project immediately.
  3. VOA is making significant strides with the NYS DOT to change the use of Senator Schumer’s $ 1,000,000 earmark from repair funds to full reconstruction funds.
  4. VOA Deputy Mayor Pam Pierce, Emergency Manager Bill Raisch, and Mayor Greg Letica held a Zoom call with members of the NYS DEC to discuss requirements to repair the Bevin Seawall after a breach or significant damage to Asharoken Avenue. Although VOA could start working immediately after a breach and then apply for an emergency authorization, it appeared the better idea was to get a 10-year permit for road repair.  An emergency authorization is good for 30 days and only allows VOA to do the smallest possible project to rectify the issue. Therefore, VOA will commence work on obtaining the 10-year permit.
  5. On February 13th, the Mayor of VOA wrote to Governor Hochul advising her that the Village is getting close to completing the needed engineering and permitting to begin the reconstruction of the Seawall.  Mayor Letica asked Governor Hochul to provide funding similar to what she gave Baxter Estates (in Nassau County) to mitigate its road flooding issue.  This funding method allows NY State to pay the contractors directly instead of the VOA paying the contractors and then submitting requests for reimbursement. For a project estimated at 10 million dollars, it would be almost impossible for VOA to secure the money upfront to pay the contractors before State reimbursement.  Baxter Estates made the same argument and secured appropriate funding from NYS.
  • Update on TOH Actions at VG – In July 2024, the TOH wrote to POENB, Inc. (as the deed holder to the VG beach) and asked to access the VG property so that it could finalize its proposed project (prepared by Nelson + Pope, an engineering, architecture, and surveying firm based in Melville) to repair the non-functioning drain pipe.   The project was supposed to create a new pipe that would protrude approximately 10” at the end of the bulkhead.  The existing non-functioning pipe will be closed off and the water re-routed so that it flows through the new pipe.   POENB had also asked if the TOH’s pipe repair project could include permanently fixing the stairs at VG.  Tom Kehoe stated that he will follow up on the status of the TOH’s repairs at VG and report back to the membership at the April meeting.

Board and Committee Reports – Tom Kehoe moderating

  1. Beach Committee – Steve Neuf stated that the dilapidated bench at VG will be removed as soon as it is feasible.  He also said that he was investigating the cost, lead time and infrastructure requirements to improve the shower and bathroom facilities at PB. 
  • Social Committee
    • Paul Dippolito – stated that:
    • Super Bowl Boxes provided POENB with $1,250 (50% of the proceeds went to POENB as the sponsor and 50% went to the winner)
    • He’s working with Heather, Michael Ien, the ENFD (on the jointly sponsored 4th of July event) and others to finalize POENB’s social calendar.
    • He’s looking for vendors to sponsor some of these events (in whole or in part) to help defray costs and increase revenue.  However, the first step to signing up social sponsors is finalizing the event calendar.
    • Based on member feedback, in 2025, the Social Committee is considering hosting smaller, more frequent events such as card night and bingo.  Those more intimate events will be in addition to larger parties held during the Memorial Day Weekend and 4th of July.
    • He’s working with Ryan Cote, Editor of the Changing Tides, to sign up additional advertisers.
    • Heather Warrington – stated that she and Jeanmarie Mansfield are currently planning the Easter Egg Hunt at PB.  Once details are finalized, information will be published in the April edition of the CT, sent via email and broadcast via social media.
    • Michael Ien Cohen – stated that he is working to make POENB membership more valuable by signing up local vendors who would be willing to offer discounts to POENB members.  Goods and services that could be discounted for POENB members might include retailers such as restaurants and bars, dry cleaners, and florists as well as home heating oil service providers.  

Treasurer’s Report – Sally Neal

The Treasurer’s Report (see page 2) includes the Income Statement for the periodJanuary 1, 2025 to March 5, 2025 and a partial Balance Sheet as of March 5, 2025.

During the period ended March 5, 2025, revenue was $17,325.21, expenses were $1,843.11 and net income was $15,482.10. This increase in revenue and income was driven nearly exclusively by eligible POENB residents electing to become members of POENB, Inc.   As of March 5, 2025, POENB Inc.’s asset balance was $39,959.40.  Nearly all of these assets were cash and cash equivalents (60-day CD).

Over the last month, POENB Inc. has received and accepted membership dues from 68 property owners.  Fifteen owners elected to apply online and pay electronically while 43 chose to sign-up using a paper application and pay via a check.   To date, 43 of the 68 applications were eligible for the “special class” membership while 25 were eligible for the “regular” membership. 

All 68 members were able to take advantage of the “early bird” payment discount.  The early bird payment period ends on March 31, 2025

POENB also received 18 requests for watercraft spots. 

Additionally, about five members generously made voluntary contributions to support POENB for either the 4th of July event and/or subsidize other operational expenses (determined at the Board’s discretion). 

The Board would also like to again thank the many loyal residents who have chosen to support POENB’s mission by joining the Association year after year and often decade after decade.  These steadfast members are typically the first to submit their membership dues.  The Board and your fellow members greatly appreciate your consistent participation and involvement

The Board would also like to thank the members who volunteered to help with POENB’s operations.  Specifically, three members offered to serve on the Member Outreach and Welcome Committee, one offered to serve on the Beach Committee, one offered to help with the Changing Tides, and one offered to become a Block Captain (delivering the Changing Tides).

In the next several weeks, one of the Board members will be reaching out to all volunteers to personally discuss how to best can use their talents and time.   POENB is fueled by volunteer “energy” – so thank you. 

Next Meeting

Next month’s meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 2, 2025, at 7:30 pm at the EN Firehouse.  The meeting may also be available via Zoom.  All members are encouraged to attend.