The meeting was held in person from 7:10 pm to 7:35 pm at the Eaton’s Neck Firehouse.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited followed by a roll call of officers.
Officer Roll Call
- Frank Pasquale – President (absent)
- Ryan Schaefer-Walker – Vice President
- Anthony Fusaro – Treasurer (absent)
- Yvonne Lambertson – Asst. Vice President Technology, Web, Communications (absent)
- Steve Neuf – Asst. Vice President (Engineering & Special Projects)
- Sally Neal – Recording Secretary
- Nancy Reagan – Corresponding Secretary
Approximately 25 members, including officers, were in attendance.
Ryan Schaefer-Walker’s motion to accept last month’s minutes as posted on the POENB website and in the Changing Tides was seconded and the minutes were approved.
Correspondence – Nancy Reagan
Nancy reviewed the list of inquiries, comments and other correspondence that the Board received during the month of November. The dates, person or persons initiating the question/correspondence and the topic discussed (if relevant) are listed below. The Board’s responses to selected items are also included.
- 11.8.23 – Request from PSEG’s utility arborist, Stephen Lofaro, to remove a branch from an Elm tree at Valley Grove on Westview Drive. This large branch has grown very close to the primary electric lines and was also interfering with PSEG’s radio communications. For public safety reasons, the Board approved PSEG’s request to cut this branch.
- 11.9.23 – Copy of a letter written by John Ballow on behalf of the Greater Eaton’s Neck Community in support of VOA Mayor Letica’s letter to Mr. Matthew Chlebus at the NYS DEC asking for the ACOE to re-engage with TOH and VOA regarding studying and repairing the Bevan Seawall.
- Multiple emails, from new homeowners regarding interest in (1) POENB membership, (2) watercraft space, (3) mooring procedures, and (4) POENB committee participation/service.
Treasurer’s Report – Ryan Schaefer-Walker (on behalf of Anthony Fusaro)
Ryan provided highlights from the Income Statement for the period January 1, 2023 to December 1, 2023 and three Balance Sheet line items as of December 1, 2023.
As shown in the Income Statement, net income for the first 11 months of POENB’s operations was approximately $18.6 K.
As part of the Board’s routine year-end review of the financials, in December, some minor revenue reclassifications (<$2K) were made between Beach Usage Income and Membership Income. Additionally, in December, expenses were reclassified between Beach Expenses and Beach Improvements to more accurately reflect the nature of the expense.
In addition to the beach expense reclassification, in November, POENB also paid for electrical improvements made to Valley Grove.
Before the end of the year, POENB will receive and must pay two significant bills: (1) insurance and (2) beach landscaping. The 2024 insurance premium (estimated to be $12K) is 20% more than POENB paid in 2023. POENB’s landscaping service is estimated to be $7.7K The landscaper provides POENB one bill for annual services at the end of the year.
Additionally, expense payments due in December include (1) utilities (water and power) for November and December, (2) Q4 ’23 internet services for the security camera at Price’s Bend, (3) contractor services to move a large pile of dirt at Price’s Bend to Valley Grove, and (4) selected small payments associated with the Turkey Trot and other miscellaneous activities.
By the end of the December 2023, the dirt pile currently residing at the entrance to Prices Bend will be relocated from PB to VG. The dirt will be used to level the ground at the top of the VG bulkhead/retaining wall.
The projected net income for 2023 is expected to be a deficit of approximately $2 to $3K.
That said, as can be seen in the abbreviated balance sheet (assets only), POENB has plenty of cash on hand and also has a health equity account (not shown). The $2-3K deficit simply means that POENB’s equity account will decrease by $2-3K.
POENB’s financial condition continues to remain strong.
President’s Report – Ryan Schaefer-Walker (on behalf of Frank Pasquale)
Ryan asked John Ballow to provide an update on two public safety issues.
- PSEG – John Ballow stated that the “go live” date for the completion of the underground electric lines is December 27th. PSEG stated that the operational team is on track to make that deadline. In Q1 ’24, PSEG will conduct extensive tree trimming and will also complete the installation of several “smart switches.” These switches will help identify and isolate the source of electrical power loss as well as more rapidly restore electrical power during a storm or other event. PSEG has provided detail on the status of its efforts on its website. https://www.psegliny.com/reliability/EatonsNeck. If members have further questions, they may call PSEG Long Island Customer Service at 1-800-490-0025 between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.
- Bevin Seawall – The Bevin Seawall is rapidly deteriorating and John Ballow, as Eaton’s Neck representative, is working with multiple impacted stakeholders to:
- Further educate local, state, and federal politicians of the public safety hazards to the 2,000 residents living north of Bevin Road (inability to access fire, police, and health services), and
- Provide a fact base to help politicians (Village of Asharoken (VOA), Town of Huntington (TOH), Suffolk County, and NYS) collaborate with NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and the US Army Corp of Engineers (ACOE) on solutions and funding.
As discussed in prior editions of the Changing Tides, the VOA has secured two $1 million grants.
- The first $1 million is an earmark from Sen. Schumer to substantially repair several hundred feet of collapsing steel.
- The second $1 million is a hazard Mitigation Grant to prepare an engineering solution to permanently restore the seawall and the beach.
- Both grants have a local share meaning that VOA (ideally with NYS) must fund $250K of the first $1 million grant and $107,600 of the second $1 million grant.
In order to access the Seawall grants, VOA Mayor Leticia (in conjunction with the TOH) must first issue RFPs (request for proposal) to qualified firms. These firms will be asked to bid on a comprehensive engineering study to design a permanent solution to ensure safe and secure passage through the Seawall area for residents who live beyond Bevan Road.
John stated that the greater Eaton’s Neck community is continuing to push forward on permanently repairing the Seawall. The current “sticking point” is the ability/willingness of the VOA to fund the local share of the two grants (~$300K). Assuming each of the 300 homes in VOA equally contributed to the local cost share, each home would be “taxed” an additional $1K. Since only 100 of the 300 homes are above the Seawall and would be impacted in the event of a breach, the 200 un-impacted residents may be reluctant to shoulder such a financial burden. The VOA, therefore, is exploring other options to fund the local share.
John stated that Assemblyman Brown, NYS Senator Mattera, and SC Legislator Bontempi have been “excellent” and highly supportive of permanently repairing the Seawall.
Unfortunately, other elected representatives have not been as helpful or enthusiastic. John and the Greater Eaton’s Neck community will continue to put pressure on TOH politicians as well as Rep LaLota, Sen Gillibrand, both of whom are both up for re-election in 2024.
This pressure includes continual education given that many local (NYS, SC, and TOH) politicians believe that all persons living north of Bevan Road are residents of Asharoken.
A member asked about using the Coast Guard station as “leverage” to permanently repair the Bevan Seawall. John stated that because the USCG military base is deemed to be “self-sufficient” in terms of power (back-up generators), food, water and other necessities, the US Government does not believe the Coast Guard base would be negatively impacted if the Bevan Seawall was breached.
Finally, John asked that POENB members continue to support the work of the Greater Eaton’s Neck Community to “keep the pressure on” our elected officials. We need to use our collective, tax-paying voices to improve public safety on Eaton’s Neck.
Other Business
2024 POENB Officer Nominations – Christine Ballow
Christine Ballow, the Chair of the Nominating Committee (one of POENB’s five standing committees), read the slate of candidates for 2024. The candidates are:
- President – Tom Kehoe
- VP – Ryan Schaefer- Walker
- VP – Yvonne Lambertson – IT, website and watercraft
- VP – Steve Neuf – Beach and Special Projects
- Treasurer – Anthony Fusaro
- Recording Secretary – Sally Neal
- Corresponding Secretary – Nancy Reagan
A vote was held and all candidates were elected unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:35 pm.
The next meeting is scheduled at 7:00 pm on Friday, January 5th at the Firehouse.