President’s Message, August 2024

Dear Eaton’s Neck Friends, Family, and Neighbors I hope this issue of the Changing Tides finds you all well. By now, you are likely aware of how fond I am of the summer season out here in our beloved Eaton’s Neck. Seeing our community come alive during the summer months is such an awesome sight to see. However, not to be outdone is the Fall season. Whether it’s the beautiful foliage, the welcome cool breezes or the return of the sounds of the local kids at the bus stops in the early morning hours, the Fall months are equally quite…

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Meeting Minutes, August 8, 2024

POENB Minutes for Wednesday, August 8, 2024 The meeting was held in person at the Eaton’s Neck Firehouse from 7:05 pm to 8:35 pm.  The meeting was also available via Zoom. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited followed by a roll call of officers. Officer Roll Call Attendance  There were 7 members physically in attendance, not including six officers. Tom Kehoe’s motion to accept last month’s minutes as published on the POENB Website was accepted.   Correspondence – Nancy Regan An asterisk identifies a topic that is covered in greater detail in a separate section.  The ENFD inquired about holding a…

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