Watercraft FAQ

10 Questions about our revised watercraft rules.

The POENB board has undertaken to refine our Property and Watercraft rules, a necessary step as Eaton’s Neck changes in a post pandemic world. Today we find residents home more to enjoy their watercraft and a wave of new residents arriving daily who seek to enjoy their new waterfront home. Such developments add strain to an already overtaxed watercraft storage system. It is POENB’s commitment and responsibility to manage this fairly, for all. 

1. Where can I find the new watercraft rules?

They have been e-blasted out to membership and are can be read on eatonsneck.org

2. I’m new here. Am I guaranteed a spot? 

Unfortunately, no. POENB tries to provide each member household (1) spot as a member benefit if requested, but this is contingent upon joining early. The watercraft request is handled through the POENB membership form which is printable can be done online at eatonneck.org. POENB membership runs March 31st through March 31st. New residents please join! Your membership give you access our two beautiful, private beaches and your dues maintain those beaches. You also receive added benefits such as the Changing Tides newsletter, POENB social events and advocacy on issues that affect Eaton’s Neck.  

3. Are all watercraft spots taken this season? 


4. Can I still request a second spot? 

No. This year we were forced to take many second spots back to accommodate new member requests. If, in a future year, spots remain after the initial spring membership drive, they will be made available – likely by lottery. 

5. What watercraft storage can currently be requested on the membership form? 

All watercraft types we’re able to stack and store as well as acceptable dimensions can be found at: https://eatonsneck.org/beach-rules/

6. What about sail craft? 

Because of their size, a sailboat for one family takes up the same beach real estate that could afford storage for many. Further, dumping of sail craft at Price’s Bend has been a problem for years. To address this, the Board has undertaken a pilot program that would make (10) slips for small sail craft available by lottery and (5) Hobie cat spaces. The hope is to strike a balance between beach beauty and beach use. These spots are not “standard” POENB member spots and are therefore surcharged:  (2021 pricing is $100 for a sailboat and $225 for a Hobie Cat). If you wish to be considered for the lottery, email info@eatonsneck.org right away. 

7. How long can I keep my POENB watercraft spot? 

Spots are assigned in even years (around April/May). Members keep the spot for two years if they maintain their membership. We do this as a courtesy so members don’t have to remove their craft every single year; most municipalities require all craft off the racks every winter. We’re considering that but currently allow for two years.

8. So POENB’s next “assign” year will be Spring of 2022? 

Yes, which means all watercraft will need to be brought home by December 1st 2021. Removal allows us to review rack stability and make repairs in the off season.

9. I like my spot, can I request that I keep it? 

Unfortunately, no. The system is designed to clear racks and discourage squatting, a big problem for many years. 

10. Can we select our own spots?

We’re investigating ways that might be possible. As of now, spots are assigned.

No watercraft system is perfect but we’re doing our best to make sure ours is as fair to the person who’s lived here for 5 months as it is for someone who’s lived here for 50 years. Please read the new Property/Beach rules and become familiar with them. Thank you for respecting the rules and the rights of others.