Advertising Rate Card for Changing Tides

Reach: 415 dedicated homes in one of the North Shore’s most unique communities. 

9 issues: (Jan.) (Feb/March) (April) (May) (June) (July/August) (Sept.) (Oct/Nov) (Dec.) 

Securing a Changing Tides ad takes three easy steps:

  • Step 1: Review the rates below for POENB Members, Non-POENB Members and Classified Ads (POENB Members only).
  • Step 2: Fill out our online reservation form.
  • Step 3: Check off your desired months & sizes & submit.
  • Step 4: Submit Payment via the PayPal option below:
  • Step 5: We’ll email you a confirmation and an invoice.  

Ad Rates for POENB Members

Ad Dimensions & Specs Cost Per Issue Discount when you advertise in 4+ issuesBONUS 
(When you  
advertise in  
all 9 issues)
1/8 pg. (business card) 3.5 in. wide x 2 in. high$35.00$30.001 Free Ad
1/4 of a page 
3.5 in.wide x 4.75 in. high
$55.00$50.001 Free Ad
1/2 page  
7.5 in.wide x 4.75 in. high
$85.00$80.001 Free Ad
Ad Rates for POENB Members

Please note: Ad in the Changing Tides are typically placed in the 2 most visible sections of the paper: 1) Inside the issue, opposite the Community Bulletin Board and 2) On the back cover. All interior ads are reproduced in b/w and the back cover is in color. The editorial staff rotates ads between the spaces to make placement as equitable for all size businesses. Placement of ads is at the discretion of the editorial staff; specific placement location cannot be requested. Ads should be submitted in color if possible. The Changing Tides staff will turn a color ad into b/w ad when it is to be placed inside the issue. Please create ads to the dimensions above. Half page ads cannot be placed on the back cover. All ads can be reserved online, except classifieds.  

Click the button below to reserve your ad space online. We will send you confirmation then invoice you. Advertisers can then mail a check (payable to POENB) to the address below or pay via PayPal. Instructions will be provided on the invoice. 

Mailing Address: Property Owners of Eaton’s Neck Beach (POENB) PO BOX 124, Northport, NY 11768

Ad Rates for Non-POENB Members

Ad Dimensions & Specs Cost Per Issue Discount when you advertise in 4+ issuesBONUS 
(When you  
advertise in  
all 9 issues)
1/8 pg. (business card) 3.5 in. wide x 2 in. high$50.00$45.001 Free Ad
1/4 of a page 
3.5 in.wide x 4.75 in. high
$70.00$65.001 Free Ad
1/2 page  
7.5 in.wide x 4.75 in. high
$100.00$90.001 Free Ad
Ad Rates for Non-POENB Members

Please note: Ad in the Changing Tides are typically placed in the 2 most visible sections of the paper: 1) Inside the issue, opposite the Community Bulletin Board and 2) On the back cover. All interior ads are reproduced in b/w and the back cover is in color. The editorial staff rotates ads between the spaces to make placement as equitable for all size businesses. Placement of ads is at the discretion of the editorial staff; specific placement location cannot be requested. Ads should be submitted in color if possible. The Changing Tides staff will turn a color ad into b/w ad when it is to be placed inside the issue. Please create ads to the dimensions above. Half page ads cannot be placed on the back cover. All ads can be reserved online, except classifieds.


Click the button below to reserve your ad space online. We will send you confirmation then invoice you. Advertisers can then mail a check (payable to POENB) to the address below or pay via PayPal. Instructions will be provided on the invoice. 

Mailing Address: Property Owners of Eaton’s Neck Beach (POENB) PO BOX 124, Northport, NY 11768

Classified Ads (POENB Members Only) 

These are all type community notice for POENB members only (selling an item or seeking something). Ads selling  a service (i.e. Tutoring/lessons) are not classifieds and fall under regular ad prices. Classifieds ad should be a  maximum of 4 lines (approx. 35 characters per line including spaces). Advertisers can email the text as they’d like to see it formatted (caps, bold, underline, italics) or just provide the copy and Changing Tides will be happy to format  for you.

Classified Ad Dimensions Cost per issueNon-POENB cost per issue

Classified Ad 
(b/w-all type) 
$20 Available only to POENB members. 
Classified Ad (for POENB Members Only) 

Please email ads to Classified cannot be reserved online. We will send you confirmation then invoice you. Advertisers can then mail a check (payable to POENB) to the address below or pay via PayPal. Instructions will be provided on the invoice. 

Mailing Address: Property Owners of Eaton’s Neck Beach (POENB) PO BOX 124, Northport, NY 11768